Smack dab in the middle of the world! Smack dab in the middle of the sky! How glorious we are With our audience of stars Now surely we're the ones Yes, the very chosen ones That this entire universe is for! [Chorus] No, we're just animals, eatin' vegetables Pushin' minerals around, claimin' miracles abound Cause we've yet to come to terms That we're progeny of germs Who persist in claiming something more Countdown to the mission to Mars! Countdown to the journey to the stars! On our very cheapest flights You'll cross the silly speed of light And as we terraform the worlds You'll watch a billion years unfurl Into the visions of our science fiction lore! [Chorus] Young man, broken outta the mold! Young man, who will never be old! Environments be damned We'll put selection in the man And when he's murdered by his wife We'll quickly bring him back to life Immortality! Unless, of course, you're poor! [Chorus]
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